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Free Crisis Hotline Numbers

If you require immediate assistance, please contact 000.


If you or someone you know is in crisis, free support is available through Australia's crisis hotlines.

13 11 14 (24/7)​
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You are not alone. We're here to listen.
We are a national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. We exist so that no person in Australia has to face their darkest moments alone.
Beyond Blue
1300 22 4636 (24/7)
Your mental health matters
Beyond Blue is here to help all people in Australia achieve their best possible mental health.
Earlier, easier, together.
Whether you're seeking mental health information or 24/7 qualified support for you or someone else, we're here for you. 
1800 811 811
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We help Queenslanders find pathways to safety, away from domestic, family and sexual violence. We provide emergency transport and accommodation for your entire family including pets.

We also provide safety planning, crisis counselling, intervention, information and referrals at no cost to you. We operate bridging accommodation residence Bella's Sanctuary, a safe haven for victim survivors to heal and rebuild their lives. We also educate through our Workplace Domestic and Family Violence Training program.
Kids Helpline
1800 55 1800 (24/7)
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Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free (even from a mobile), confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. Qualified counsellors at Kids Helpline are available anytime and for any reason.
Suicide Call Back Service:
1300 659 467
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Suicide Call Back Service is a free nationwide service providing 24/7 phone and online counselling to people affected by suicide.
24/7 Mental Health Triage:
1300 642 255
The 1300 MH CALL service:
  • is the main point of access into public mental health services
  • can provide support, information, advice and referral
  • can provide advice and information in a mental health emergency or crisis
  • is staffed by trained and experienced professional mental health clinicians
  • will provide a mental health triage and refer to acute care teams where appropriate.
Talk Suicide Support Service
1800 008 255
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Talk Suicide Support provides outreach support to individuals, families and friends of those at risk ,15 years and over, in the Brisbane area and surrounds.
1800 737 732 
This is a 24-hour national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line for any Australian who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault.
Individuals can also access local support services and search the internet using Daisy, a free app developed by 1800RESPECT that protects user privacy.
Open Arms 24/7
1800 011 046
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Open Arms – Veterans & Families Counselling (formerly VVCS) is Australia’s leading provider of high quality mental health assessment and clinical counselling services for Australian veterans and their families.
We are focused on meeting client needs through a combination of proven clinical practices and new and emerging evidence-based approaches.
MensLine Australia
1300 78 99 78 
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MensLine Australia is a free telephone and online counselling service offering support for Australian men anywhere, anytime.
All Other Support Services
Police / Fire / Ambulance - 000 or 112 (from mobile)

Police attendance - 131 444

Relationships Australia - 1300 364 277

24/7 Red Nose Grief and Loss - 1300 308 307

13HEALTH - 13 43 25 84

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